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About Recipe

I am old.. okie not "old" per se, given that I will be turning the Big 30 a month from now..but I feel old, especially mid week,everyweek!! When and how did that happen? These 29 years have been such a blur...some good, many great memories..a couple of deep personal losses that I will never overcome...many things done wrong..many mistakes made.. but regrets? None. However, come midweek, there is one thing I loathe..absolutely loathe...and that is cooking dinner!! As if its isn't enough that you have been waking at ungodly hours these past 3 days, there are still 3 more days to go(yes, I have no Saturday off as some lucky lucky people) ..and by the time its Wednesday my batteries are drained and I feel old..start getting a little blue..find myself wishing for simpler hostel days when I could live (yes live!!) on cup of noodles and bags of chips...and I wasn't responsible for feeding other mouths, esp when they belong to my cute lil munchkin and the most darling guy one can have!!




Colored Bell peppers



Ginger Garlic Grated

Green Chillies

Red Chillie Paste

Salt and Pepper

Pulao / long grained rice

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