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About Recipe

Spicy Indian snack perfectly go with tea,coffee or hot chocolate milk.


3 cups yellow moong dal

1 1/2 tablespoon fennel seeds (saunf/variali)

2 1/2 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 tablespoon ginger paste

1 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice

3 tablespoon sugar

1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

1 tablespoon red chili powder

1 teaspoon green chili paste

1 1/2 tablespoon sesame seeds

1 tablespoon garam masala

1 teaspoon mango powder (amchur powder)

1/4 cup chopped cilantro

1/4 cup golden resins and chopped cashew nuts

1 teaspoon cumin seeds

1/4 teaspoon asafoetida ( hing)

3 cups all purpose flour

1/2 cup clarified butter (ghee) room temperature

2 tablespoon salt

1 tablespoon cornstarch

chilled water


Cooking Procedure


n n Wash yellow moong dal with water and soak in water for at least 3-4 hours. Make sure water should be 1 1/2 times more than the quantity of dal, so that the dal can soak in the water properly. You can add more if required.n n After 4 hours, you can see dal is properly soaked and double in size. Drain water and add new water with 2 teaspoon of salt in dal and let it boil at medium heat.n n Once dal is fully cooked in salty water, drain the excess water and let it cool down.n n In another bowl mix all purpose flour, salt, cornstarch and whisk. n n Add ghee (clarified butter) and mix the flour until it becomes lump free.n n Knead dough with chilled  water. Dough should be semi soft. Knead dough for 10 minutes and then cover it with cloth and set aside.n n Drain the soaked moong dal. Heat the oil in a pan and add the cumin seeds and asafoetida.n n When the seeds crackle, add the drained moong dal and sauté for a few seconds.n n Add the ginger-green chilli paste, chilli powder, fennel seeds powder, garam masala, amchur powder, sugar, lemon juice and salt and stir for 5 to 7 minutes till the masalas are cooked.n n Add sesame seed, chopped cilantro, cashew nuts  and raisins. Mix well and let it cool.n n Grind filling mixture in to food processor for 30 seconds to get coarse consistency so it can be easily form the ball shape. n n Divide mixture into 60 equal portions. Shape each portion into an even sized round ball and keep aside. Depends on which size of kachori you want to make.n n Roll out each portion of the dough into a  2' diameter circle.n n Place one portion of the filling mixture in the centre of the rolled dough circle.n n Surround the filling mixture with the dough by slowly stretching it over the filling mixture.n n Seal the ends tightly and remove any excess dough.n n Make sure filling should not come out from outer layer.n n Make rest of the kachoris with the remaining dough and filling.n n Deep fry the kachoris in hot oil over a slow flame till golden brown .n n Let them cool at room temperature and store in airtight container.n n Serve with sweet and spicy, green chutney.nn

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