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When someone so much as mentions Avocado, I become excited. It can be that the buttery goodness is guilt free or simply that it makes anything yummier. I don’t know which of it but avocado excites me. And when it comes to the fruit, I always tend to think beyond guacamole and chips. Hey, guacamole is so passé. Well, there are some new ways to spike up the old boring guacamole and chips but still, there s so much more you can make with a good chubby avocado. Like a pound cake may be? Or this mousse? Oh! How do I begin describing this pudding? Lets just call it guilt free chocolate decadence, shall we? And lets add to that some vegan, some no cook and some no bake. Voila! I think we have a perfect dessert here. The first time, I came across this simple yet brilliant recipe, I was not very sure if it would work. For no rhyme or reason, I could imagine avocado and chocolate together. But I cant have been more wrong. This recipe basically sings to you. In a beautiful, mellifluous tone that you almost start wondering if you have reached chocolate heaven. Enough said! Oh, let me just add one more bit here. You can make this in advance and chill it, to be served later for any party.
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