Crunchy sesame cakes sweetened with honey. Baking without eggs and butter. Cookies for fans of tahini.
½ cup sesame seeds
1 1/4 cups flour gluten-free (mixed it oat flour, sorghum and rice)
½ teaspoon baking soda (gluten-free)
1/3 cup honey (or agave syrup, maple)
1/3 cup tahini paste
Cooking Procedure
n Combine all the ingredients together in a bowl. Leave it for a while.nn Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175C). The form of baking lined parchment paper.nn Using a teaspoon, form balls with wet hands. Rounding cookies in sesame seeds and put with spacing on baking paper.nn Cookies bake for about 8 minutes to browned.n