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Nowadays, we all are fond of the food channels and try to make food from different part of world after watching them either in TV or in YouTube…Sometimes , it happens that we saw a typical type of spice and we bought that for our grocery but that option is available in every city (or may be villages) where we live…One of my School friend told me that she wanted to buy Garlic Powder and she never found it in normal grocery shops in Kolkata and finally found it in Spencer’s at South City Mall. So the fact is that she’s able to find it but the case may have been different if she’s from a small city from any part of India where it is not a common item in the shops while in Gurgaon it’s available almost in every shop. This is the reason I always try to prepare spices or paste at home because now I am available with the verities but the situation can be different if I move from here…No I am not sharing the Recipe of Garlic Powder…. Instead it is “Tahini”….
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